VIMFF 2025: Watch Two 'Wild' Films & One World Premiere!
This year, the Vancouver International Mountain Film Festival is hosting 20 in-person shows, each featuring several films. It feels like I’m dreaming as I write that my first three films have all been selected for VIMFF 2025!
Ahon (World Premiere), Wild Aerial, and Wildflowers will screen in my hometown alongside cast, crew, family, friends, and new audiences. Although it will be my first time attending VIMFF, it feels like a full-circle moment to bring projects from my new home in the Canadian Rockies to Vancouver, which is where I grew up and where my journey in film began.
VIMFF will also mark the end of a whirlwind chapter in my life that has been dedicated to three overlapping documentary projects. What a ride! Please join me at VIMFF to celebrate while enjoying inspiring films, q&a’s, and conversations — check out screening info and ticket links below!
Co-Produced by Leonard Maglalang, President of K8 Mountaineering Club of Alberta. Image by Trixie Pacis.
In Filipino, “ahon” means to rise, emerge, or break through a surface. “Ahon” recounts the rise of the K8 Mountaineering Club of Alberta, a non-profit organization that helps Filipino Canadians reach new heights in the Canadian Rockies. (20 minutes)
Ski and Snow Show
World Premiere
February 26・7 pm
The Rio, Vancouver
Produced with support from the VIMFF Film Grant
Presented by Arc’teryx
Starring / Co-Produced by Sasha Galitzki. Image by Trixie Pacis.
Wild Aerial follows adventure aerialist Sasha Galitzki to remote icescapes to document the most ambitious routine she has ever performed outdoors. Overcoming extreme cold and dizzying heights, she draws attention to the beauty and fragility of our rapidly changing landscapes. (16 minutes)
Thrill Seekers Matinee
February 23・2 pm
The Rio, Vancouver
Squamish Mountain Mixer
March 4・7:30 pm
The Backyard, Squamish
Online: Mountain Adventure Show
February 21 - March 23
Co-Produced by Meghan J. Ward. Image by Natalie Gillis.
Mountain writer and historian Meghan J. Ward recruits a team of creative women to revisit Mary Schäffer Warren’s 1908 expedition to Maligne Lake, in Alberta’s Jasper National Park. Blending backcountry adventures with historical research, Wildflowers demonstrates that sometimes we must look back to blaze a better trail forward. (37 minutes)
Stories with Impact
March 1・7 pm
The Rio, Vancouver
Squamish Adventure Show
March 3・7 pm
Eagle Eye Theatre, Squamish
Take a workshop with Meghan J. Ward
Adventure Writing: Transforming Adventures into Impactful Stories
March 1・1:30 pm
A heartfelt thank you to all the cast, crew, sponsors, and Indiegogo supporters who made these film projects possible!